Sketchnoting, or the technique of effective memorizing through … drawing!

Let’s start by explaining the meaning of sketchnoting. Sketchnoting comes from two words: sketch (drawing small pictures), and note (writing down some important information). By putting together these words, we receive quotations by sketches – drawings, icons, scribbles. This is one of the techniques of visual thinking that is gaining more and more popular. Why? The answer is extremely simple. It is known that over 80% of the content we remember is something that we saw. It is much easier to remember pictures than letters, words or sentences. So, if we draw a simple circle of ordinary notes, even the simplest graphic, we can be sure that such information will stay in our mind for a long time. Masters of this technique do not use sentences at all, at most individual passwords.

How to start? Immediately! At the earliest opportunity, when you want to save an idea, remember some information or message, you will have some thoughts to which you want to come back later, or when you want to visualize your ideas or organize different topics in your head – draw it. Do not worry that you do not have artistic skills, do not write your notes for the vernissage, only serve you. Choose a keyword and turn it into a picture. Layout on the page Like bullet journal, sketchnoting has no explicit rules. Everyone who uses this technique must develop their own style. It will certainly be easier when our notes are organized in some way. Divide the workspace into certain zones, separate tables, frames, boxes, speech bubbles, keywords, and use arrows to help you navigate the drawn notes. Let the record be intuitive – from left to right, from top to bottom. Areas of application As mentioned before, sketchnoting is a form of drawing notes that is designed to facilitate memorizing information. We note not only for ourselves, but often for others – for example during trainings. Drawing maps of thoughts can be done not only in a private notebook, but also on a blackboard or flipchart.

And again: do not worry that you do not have artistic skills. If the car you have drawn is at least 30% reminiscent of a car, the recipients will surely understand your message. Benefits When you start using the sketchnoting technique, you can be sure that your ability to memorize information will increase significantly (in the case of notes in your own notebook), and your lecturers, trainings or presentations will be much more valuable if you present the most important points on the board in the form of a drawing. An additional advantage of sketchnoting is digital detox – in the era of galloping digitization, it is sometimes worth to break out of this momentum for a moment, grab a pen or marker in a hand and draw something by hand.